Sunday, January 20, 2019

Village @kampung

A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, with a population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. Though villages are often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighborhood.

Apa yg best sangat persekitaran kampung?
Kalau anda tanya ...aku juga tdk dpt menggambarkan dengan perkataan kerna bagi mereka yg biasa kehidupan sebegini bisa mengerti lagi lagi buat kalian yg sudah berhijrah ke bandar besar.

Satu ketika anda pasti dpt membedakan perbandingan antara satu dan yg lainnya dari segala aspek bandar dan kampung .

Bandar semuanya ada..cepat pantas dari segala hal juga tempat untuk warga berkumpul untuk mencari haluan kehidupan masing masing yg inginkan kemajuan untuk diri dan keluarga.

Kampung ya..pastilah terjaga keaslian kehijaun ,bukit bukaunya ,udaranya makanan aslinya bagi aku semakin suatu saat pastinya ada rasa kelelahan dan butuh istirehat menikmati keindahan semula jadi asli selain mengejar kehidupan metropolitan .

Masing masing punya matlamat kehidupan dan hala tuju ya kan ...?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What Is Autism?

What Is Autism?

There is no one type of autism, but many.

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication.*

We now know that there is not one autism but many subtypes, and each person with autism can have unique strengths and challenges.

A combination of genetic and environmental factors influence the development of autism, and autism often is accompanied by medical issues such as:

Gastrointestinal (GI) disordersSeizuresSleep disturbances

Autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children.

Many people with autism also have sensory issues. These can include aversions to certain sights, sounds and other sensations.

What Causes Autism?
From Autism Family

Because autism runs in families, most researchers think that certain combinations of genes may predispose a child to autism. But there are risk factors that increase the chance of having a child with autism.

Advanced age of the mother or the father increases the chance of an autistic child.

When a pregnant woman is exposed to certain drugsor chemicals, her child is more likely to be autistic. These risk factors include the use of alcohol, maternal metabolic conditions such as diabetes and obesity, and the use of antiseizure drugs during pregnancy. In some cases, autism has been linked to untreated phenylketonuria (called PKU, an inborn metabolic disorder caused by the absence of an enzyme) and rubella (German measles).

DOs and DON'ts to keep skin healthy.

Although sometimes cited as a cause of autism, there is no evidence that vaccinations cause autism.

Exactly why autism happens isn't clear. Research suggests that it may arise from abnormalities in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input and process language.

Researchers have no evidence that a child's psychological environment -- such as how caregivers treat the child -- causes autism.

For Patient Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
 it is important to realize that the food you eat

People with ASD often have symptoms or aspects of other conditions, such as:

✔A learning disability
✔Attention @eye contact
✔Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Tourette's syndrome or other tic disorders.
✔Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)generalised anxiety disorder.
✔Depression etc...

Here are the top 5 foods to avoid as they can make ASD worse.


When casein (one of the proteins in dairy) mixes with stomach acid, it produces something called an exorphin. Exorphins bind to the opioid receptor sites and can result in a myriad of troubles – brain fog, spaciness, inability to concentrate, and a numbness to pain, just to name a few.

In our experience, when people with ASD removed dairy from their diet, they began talking more, their hyperactivity was reduced, and bowel problems were resolved.


A mixture of proteins found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, gluten can increase inflammation when ingested. In fact, your body can create antibodies to gluten which can fire up, or inflame, your brain.

Gluten seems to particularly negatively affect the functioning of the cerebellum. Through our imaging work, we have discovered that those with ASD already often have decreased functioning of their cerebellum – consuming gluten can just make it much worse.


Eighty-five percent of the corn raised in the United States is raised with pesticide. Additionally, it has the most unhealthy fatty-acid profile of any grain…yes, you read that right, GRAIN. Corn is NOT a vegetable. Corn has been found to be a breeding ground for as many as 22 different fungi. There is simply nothing truly beneficial and many potentially harmful things that can come from eating corn.


Not only is sugar pro-inflammatory, it also increases erratic brain cell firing and it is very addictive. For many folks with ASD, it is likely that they had some type of insulin to their brain so when they consume sugar, the damage from the insulin is just magnified.

Avoiding sugar and refined carbohydrates and increasing lean protein can dramatically improve concentration and judgment, and decrease impulsiveness.


While these things are not really “foods”, they are unfortunately in so many food products that we wanted to list them here. Avoid all additives, preservatives, dyes and artificial colors, artificial flavorings, and artificial sweeteners.

Hopefully can help some people to understand little bit about AUTISM .

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